Workout Recordings

Important Instructions

Video Viewing: The below recordings of Zoom workouts can be viewed only if you are a current member of class and have been invited to view the videos. This is for the privacy of those on the recordings. You will need to have a free YouTube or Google account set up before you can view the videos. If you do not already have an account go to to create an account using the email the video invitation was sent to!  If you already have a YouTube account, make sure you are signed into it with the email the invitation was sent to. Otherwise it will say the video is private and you will not be able to view it. If you can see some but not all of the videos, or if you need the video invitation sent to a different email, please contact Kelly at [email protected].

Safety: If you have balance difficulties please have a second person available to assist you with balance. Use a second chair to hold on to when standing if necessary. Keep your floor free of tripping hazards and be aware of your surroundings. For safety purposes, the majority of the KnockOuts workout will be performed from a chair. If at anytime you do not feel well, please rest. Contact your physician if you have any concerning symptoms. By entering these workouts, you acknowledge that you are participating in this workout at your own risk and are not able to be supervised by the instructor. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to monitor your status during the workout.

Equipment: You will need a chair to sit in, preferably one without arm rests. For anyone with balance difficulties a second chair is advised to use for support when standing. All workouts can be done without additional equipment but there may be options for using equipment if you have it available. During each workout, optional items will be discussed.

Space: You will need to have adequate space around you to move without tripping hazards. An ideal space is a minimum of 6×6 ft. Some activities may require more space.


Zoom Workouts: KnockOuts

Click the above video to view a YouTube playlist of the current recorded Zoom workouts. Only members of our Rock Steady Boxing KnockOuts group are able to view. The videos are most easily viewed on the Google Chrome browser.

Zoom Workouts: RockCrushers

Click the above video to view a YouTube playlist of the current recorded Zoom workouts. Only members of our Rock Steady Boxing RockCrushers group are able to view. The videos are most easily viewed on the Google Chrome browser.