Our Model of Care

At Synapse Fitness Foundation, we believe we can help people to live their best lives and keep moving as long as possible through the following pillars.

Our 4 Pillars

  • Engagement. We strive to create a welcoming, safe, and fun environment that offers excellent services so that our members will want to keep coming back to exercise! With ongoing engagement, people are more likely to connect with other members and pick up healthy behaviors as we promote resources and education for living well with Parkinson’s. You come for exercise but get so much more!
  • Supervision. All of our exercise classes are led by specialty trained exercise instructors with ongoing education and training related to Parkinson’s disease. Prior to engaging in our programs, all potential members are screened for their unique medical, movement, balance and safety related issues by a physical therapist with certifications in Parkinson’s care. Our physical therapist regularly supervises classes and works as a team with exercise instructors to identify potential participant needs and make referrals to health care providers or community resources as needed.  In the future, we aim to offer ongoing Parkinson’s specific physical therapy services through SFF.
  • Communication. From the day of your initial screening, we will contact the primary care provider (PCP) and/or neurologist of your designation to inform them of your participation in services from SFF and get medical clearance. This opens a door of two way communication with your health care providers and our program. We want to work with your neurologist and other providers so that you continue to feel and move your best. Sometimes, we may recommend you go see your neurologist or PCP sooner than anticipated to address medical or safety issues that may have come to the attention of your exercise team.
  • Inclusivity. At SFF, we aim to provide services at every age and stage of Parkinson’s. From those that are recently diagnosed to those that have had Parkinson’s for decades, we have a class that will work for you! Our hope is for people to join when they are first diagnosed so that they can receive the most benefit of exercise and education and minimize the impact of Parkinson’s on their lives. We also do not turn people away for financial reasons and believe that all people should have access to great services.

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